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Every year leaves falling from trees and covering the earth in autumn .So there are a great many of leaves in forest.It is just the free resources that people can use without paying any money.People can only collect them and carry them home if they want to use them.

    The following picture shows how do people collect drought leaves and carry them home what they are used for.  

People always collect a great many of fallen leaves with  a broom together and then put them into the kind of things in front of the woman and carry when they are free.But when they have no time to carry them home,they will collect them together like a small hill one after another as the picture shows and carry them whenever they have time.  

Most people carry their leaves by carry leaves onto their back in some way and back home.For example carry leaves with bags or with the kind of things showed in above picture ,however, other people who live a richer life always use their truck to carry leaves. 

When leaves are carried home.They will be used for lighting fires in the hole below their bed so that people can keep their beds worm through the whole night since the weather is cold in autumn.  But how can we light fires with the leaves?  

   First, when it is dark,you shoud fill the hole up with drought leaves you collected.Second, finding something easy to light up and put them into the hole and light it up.Third,when the leaves are fireing strongly,you should close the hole with a bag .Well,congratulate to you that you have successfully finished lighting fires with the leaves and you can sleep on a worm and comfortable bed in the evening.

   That all that I want to tell you something about the life in my hometown.        

Every year leaves falling from trees and covering the earth in autumn .So there are a great many of leaves in forest.It is just the free resources that people can use without paying any money.People can only collect them and carry them home if they want to use them.

    The following picture shows how do people collect drought leaves and carry them home what they are used for.  

People always collect a great many of fallen leaves with  a broom together and then put them into the kind of things in front of the woman and carry when they are free.But when they have no time to carry them home,they will collect them together like a small hill one after another as the picture shows and carry them whenever they have time.  

Most people carry their leaves by carry leaves onto their back in some way and back home.For example carry leaves with bags or with the kind of things showed in  the picture ,however, other people who live a richer life always use their truck to carry leaves. 

When leaves are carried home.They will be used for lighting fires in the hole below their bed so that people can keep their beds worm through the whole night since the weather is cold in autumn.  But how can we light fires with the leaves?  

   First, when it is dark,you shoud fill the hole up with drought leaves you collected.Second, finding something easy to light up and put them into the hole and light it up.Third,when the leaves are fireing strongly,you should close the hole with a bag .Well,congratulate to you that you have successfully finished lighting fires with the leaves and you can sleep on a worm and comfortable bed in the evening.

   That all that I want to tell you something about the life in my hometown.        

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